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Credit Repair Companies: Why They're a Scam and How To Fix Your Credit for Free
Help, I'm clueless about how to fix my credit. This article was updated in May 2021. Are you thinking about contacting a "Credit Repair"...

How Do I Get Rid of Foreign Currency?
There’s nothing like travel to help me realize how few possessions I really need. After recently visiting four different U.S. cities and...

You Need To Know This Before Buying a Home
Paying for everything with cash is a great life strategy. If you can save enough money to buy a home with cash then do that. If, like the...

Why Getting a Tax Refund is Bad
Getting a big tax refund is a magical feeling. It's like finding the last Golden Ticket and winning entry into Willy Wonka's candy...

Money Confessions from a Story Artist: "I put all my eggs in one basket."
This article is part of a Moneybites series about artists and how money impacts their work. I met Martin Montgomery while standing in...

How I Treat Myself (Well) On a Dime
One of the biggest financial challenges any budget can face is a reduction in income. Last year, as a result of a mass layoff, my income...

Part II: How To Buy a Home in SF (and Beyond)
I recently wrote about a program that helps San Francisco residents purchase affordable housing. My readers (all 10 of them) responded....

How to Buy A Home In SF - While Not Being Filthy Rich
It’s common knowledge that only bizillionaires can afford to buy homes in San Francisco. A slightly less known *and less fictional* fact,...

Money Confessions from a Mural Artist: " I get scared I’ve set a path I can’t get out of."
Jane Schafgans is a San Francisco native whose murals and mosaic work can be seen all over the city. She's been an activist for decades...
Do This Free Thing Now!
Are the best things in life really free? Money can score you a lot of great stuff. Usually more money equals better stuff, but when it...
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